Do you want to safely ship your goods from Ningbo China to Kolkata India? Let us help you book your cargo for shipping from Ningbo to Kolkata freight by air & sea cargo mode. As a foremost international shipping company, Falcon provides on-time delivery of air and sea shipments. In addition, Falcon India is an international ocean and air freight forwarder with expertise in handling all cargo sizes and weights.
Also, our team reserves air cargo and container space in advance for customers in difficult situations. In situations of bad weather and unforeseen conditions, different methods of delivery are used by us.
Moreover, we provide 24 × 7 import-export logistics consulting services to our customers and get a free quotation on time. In addition, our clients can also track their air and sea imports-exports-related shipments on our online freight gateway to live information.
Importantly, Falcon India has great connections with major international sea container shipping lines related to the China trade. Some are as follows: Maersk, COSCO, APL, MSC, SCI, NYK, CMA, OOCL, HPL, Safmarine, etc. Therefore, we can negotiate better prices for Ningbo, China sea container shipping. Thus, we can give you the fastest and best freight quotation on time and deliver your sea container quickly from Ningbo to Kolkata, India. Also, In the shipping sector, we have been involved with sea container freight for over three decades. Here are some of the strong points:
Furthermore, we are handling FCL containers and LCL consolidations from Ningbo to Kolkata, India.
Because of our access to China’s major international seaport. Our Chinese logistics partners want to work with us.
In addition, we are also part of the WCA family, through which we get access to all major seaports in India and worldwide.
Furthermore, we would like you to know that we are making special arrangements for your air cargo freight shipping from Ningbo to Kolkata, India. Our professional air team updates the information quickly. And, It always remains on time from the loading airport to the destination.
Moreover, we offer a wide range of international air freight solutions related to cargo size and volume weight.
Equally important, you can find air cargo freight per kg rates and costs from Ningbo to Kolkata online.
Above all, please contact us if you are looking for good shipping freight rates from Ningbo to Kolkata, India. Our information contact number is as follows: +91-9311595648 or our email id is
We delight ourselves that we are the leading custom clearing agent related to sea/air import-export from China. Our expertise in providing customs clearance services in India at almost all the major ports. Besides, we have experience in clearing customs of imports from Ningbo and across China for more than 30 years. Our professional team gives their best in providing import-export documentation.
Year of Establishment : 1996
Business Type: Import-Export Trade Consultant
Estimated Yr Sales (USD): 2 – 5 M
Number of Employees : 80-100
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Call us at : +91-9311595648
F90/25, First Floor, Okhla Phase 1, New Delhi 110020, India.
Branches/Services providing areas: : Delhi, Mundra, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hazira, Ludhiana, Delhi Airport, Panipat – Click for more